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1. Safeguard the natural environment of Mount Eliza and raise awareness of its importance and

benefits to the community.


2. Monitor existing parks, reserves and open spaces (“green areas”) and their potential for

environmental improvement; protect these areas from any encroachment; and establish further

“green areas” to preserve their natural flora and fauna.


3. Ensure that all construction activities preserve the natural environment by consultation with local

government prior to and during preparation of subdivisions, erections of buildings and other

structures, establishing of infrastructure services and forming of streetscapes and pathways.


4. Work and consult with local government during all stages of conservation and ensure


5. that each decision reached, or ruling made, will assist and enhance the natural environment.


6. Encourage and participate in the planting of indigenous site specific plants throughout Mount Eliza

including along roadsides and coastlines; discouraging the removal of indigenous site specific



7. Seek affiliation with larger conservation organisations where mutual support is desirable and

cooperate with local groups and associations and state-wide bodies with similar aims.


8. Communicate and learn from conservation organisations and conservationists globally; seek

permission to publish articles and invite experts to speak on matters of interest.


9. Foster a general interest in local flora and fauna.


10. Endeavour to produce and circulate information amongst members and other interested people; invite members to contribute.


11. Give members guidance and practical support on conservation and environmental matters


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